It’s not really about a plane …
The Kodiak is really just a big hunk of metal.
As cool as the Quest Kodiak airplane is – and it really is a cool plane – it’s little more than a bunch of aluminum with an engine stuck on the end.
What’s really great about the Kodiak is the lives it will help save. And I’m not just talking about physical lives.
New Tribes Mission took delivery of their first Kodiak off the Quest assembly line in Sandpoint, Idaho. Then NTM pilots taxied to the airstrip and flew it to NTM Aviation’s center in southern Arizona. Eventually, the plane will head to South Asia, where air service has been lacking for years for ministries in some remote villages.
Without flight service, it can take missionaries a week or more to get into or out of the villages. Getting supplies and equipment is often sporadic and spotty. Should an emergency arise, there is no quick way out. This greatly hinderes efforts to plant churches among those remote people groups.
While no airplane will ever share the Gospel, the Kodiak will go a long way toward helping missionaries do so.
As you hear stories in coming years about how Kodiak airplanes are helping expand the reach of the Gospel – saving lives for eternity – remember that you helped make that happen by your involvement in our ministry. Thanks!
Macon and his team produced a video FLIGHT on mission flying and the Kodiak. See it on our blog at