Early mornings in Simbariland are a photographer's paradise. Round houses seem to float in the fog while cooking fires push smoke up through the thatched roofs.
It was straight down the mountain and straight back up. This includes forty minutes hopping down a riverbed on giant boulders. A piece of cake, I thought. Boy was I wrong.
As we followed Lisa down the muddy trail, mud up to her knees - I just thought of that verse "How beautiful are the feet of those who take the gospel ......" The truth is not many people would be willing to walk through the mud or live in a palm house on the edge of a hot swamp or battle the mosquitos and disease. Would you?
Hard ride in a canoe today and a long hike through the jungle. We were crossing rivers on logs and wading. Very tired… but very happy. Thanks for praying.
This Easter Ankolet tribal people will hear the true presentation of the Resurrections Story for the first time. Join the team of missionaries sharing the Gospel with the Ankolet