With tears streaming down my face, I listened to the worship team. It was Mother’s Day in Colombia and I was worshiping God in the very location where 36 years earlier, I had become a mother for the first time. We were attending a Sunday service located at the former orphanage, Paraiso Infantil in Villavicencio, Colombia. Joining us were more than 50 members of Jeremy’s biological Colombian family, his wife, Judy, his children, and Judy’s parents, Miami pastor Rene Perez and wife Miriam.
I thought, God saw this day 36 years ago when He put that precious baby into my arms. He saw that one-day, in this very place, Jeremy, reunited with his biological family, would invite them to worship God with us and hear his father-in-law’s passionate presentation. How amazing is that?
After the service we joined the family at Aunt Rosa’s hacienda where we feasted on roast pork and enjoyed warm camaraderie with aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings. God is good.
Katy Hare