Here’s an update I wrote on the plane. I’ll send one about being here soon! The picture above is all the staff and student families here for our “E2” training.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
How are your New Year’s resolutions going? New Year’s is a time when people stop and reflect on the past year and resolve to live better the next year. Each of us loves the idea of a fresh start, and yet we know that chances are, by the second week of January, we’ll be back to our old ways. That’s because the only way to have lasting change- to defeat sin and live victoriously- is through Jesus Christ. I think that New Year’s is a good demonstration of why we need the gospel. Each year we try harder and harder, and each year we find ourselves repeating the same old actions. In a much more real way, no matter how hard we try, we can never stop sinning or earn heaven. Praise God that when we receive Jesus as our Lord, he forgives us, saves us, and gives us power to live for Him.
That’s the hope of the gospel, the reason that we are currently in a plane over the pacific, so that we can share it. (2 flights down, 2 to go!)
The past month has been full of lots of preparations and emotions. Thanks for your prayers and support in getting us to this point.
Praise God:
– We got to bring Wyck’s car seat on the plane
– Ty has been doing really well
Please pray:
– for health for our kids
– For strength and love as we are exhausted
– For a smooth transition to our new home