“Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken at the right time.” -Prov.25:11
(Ty ready for the Awana program he does with the other missionary kids and local kids)
“Before, we were always killing each other and doing all kinds of terrible things. I thank the Lord that missionaries like you came.”
“I know that it is hard for you to leave your family and your place, but God will look out for you. It’s a big thing that you’ve come to do God’s work.”
“I’m happy to help you learn this language. I’m not able to go to another village to share God’s Word, so in this way I’m your coworker. I help you learn language so that you can go out and share God’s Word.”
“Because you went to pick up my wife at the airport, I was able to stay here and finish translating the book of Luke.”
(Matt with a friend of his)
Just when we need it, God seems to bring a word of encouragement to us. The first three quotes are from some national friends of ours encouraging us that though it is hard, this work is worth it. The last one is what a missionary told Matt when he got back from one of his many airport runs, and it was an encouragement that these small ways we can serve can make a difference.
(Ty and Karissa’s friend)
So, what are we up to now? We are continuing to work on learning Tok Pisin, as well as the culture of PNG. We have an evaluation next week and are hoping that we will be done or nearly done with our national language study. We are also continuing to get to know some other families to see if any could be potential partners for us. Meanwhile, Matt continues to do airport pick up and drop offs for the other missionaries in our region. Karissa is homeschooling Ty for preschool, and he and Wyck love running around with the other missionary kids at the center we are living on. Wyck is talking more and more and will be two years old on Thursday!
(We went to a show celebrating PNG’s independence day and saw traditional costumes from many different regions)
We are so thankful for you, and we covet your prayers as we live this crazy life.
Till All Know, Matt, Karissa, Ty, and Wyck Long (Tribal Church Planters in Papua New Guinea)
Founded in 1942 as New Tribes Mission
Please Pray: – That we will be able to do our best during our evaluation – That God will guide us in the difficult process of choosing coworkers – That God will give us wisdom in how to balance all the different aspects of our lives
Praise God: – He has given us some good national friends – We have gotten a lot of help with language lately