Ty and Wyck made some signs and decorations because they were so happy Daddy was home after an 8 day trip. Earlier this month, Matt got the opportunity to go along on a “mature church evaluation” trip. That is where leadership goes and helps evaluate where a church plant is at spiritually. It was a great chance for Matt and Isaac (one of our partners) to see a vision of where we hope our church will be one day, and also just to learn more about the task before us.
So, what should we do? Reflecting on Tragedy.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about tragedy. There is one particular one that has been on my mind, but I’m sure as I write this there is a myriad that comes to yours. There was a horrific event that happened recently in the U.S., and immediately every news outlet, Facebook post, and Twitter feed exploded with articles. Some of them ranted about the cause of it. Others declared how we need to respond to prevent further tragedies. People on every side of the political battle shared their opinions. While the opinions seem to be as different as possible, the heart they are coming from is the same. Everyone is asking, “Why do these things happen? What should we do? We have to do something to stop this and make our world safe!”
I’m not saying we shouldn’t take steps to prevent tragedy. We should. But I think there is a much deeper reality at work. As I reflected on this tragedy, three truths came to my mind. #1- Mankind is hopelessly wicked. We have a deep, enduring sin problem that cannot be fixed by anything in this world. #2- Jesus Christ is the only answer. Only He can truly change people’s hearts, and only He offers an eternal future where we can finally escape our sin-mangled world. #3- Nothing in this world is secure. We can do all we can to keep our loved ones and the life we have safe. That’s why we move to good neighborhoods, buy insurance policies, and try to be healthy. However, we can’t truly hold on to anyone or anything in this life, and that is terrifying. That’s why we need to have our hope in eternity, where “moths and rust cannot destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matt.6:20), and our loved ones who know Christ are eternally secure.
So as I reflected on this tragedy, I thought, “What do I do?” and I came to this conclusion. I keep sharing the Word of God with anyone who will listen, so that as many people as possible can know Jesus and have eternal hope and security in Him. There are people all around who are living in a hopeless, sinful state, and they desperately need the hope of Jesus. So, we’ll keep trying to shine the light of Jesus here in PNG, and you all can do the same in the USA. Thank you for partnering with us in this task of taking the gospel to all nations.
Till all know,
Matt, Karissa, Ty, and Wyck
We finished our Awana program that we were putting on here. Ty was very proud to have finished his Cubbies book. Pray that all the kids will remember the spiritual truths they learned this year.
Our big news of the month is that we got two kittens. Their names are Rambo and Schrodinger. The boys were a little excited.
Praise God!:
– He continues to provide for us financially
– We are growing in our relationships with our team members
– We are halfway done with our “team strategy statement,” an extensive document that helps us decide how we will do ministry and deal with various issues in a tribe
Please Pray:
– for wisdom and patience as we wait for God to provide a third family for us to partner with
– that we can serve God well in the ministries He has for us now as we wait for our church planting ministry to begin
– that God would be preparing the hearts of the people to whom we will go to hear His Word