Stranded in the Wilderness! Ok, only for one extra day 🙂 What do millionaires and missionaries have in common? They both travel by helicopter! Last week we had the opportunity to visit our friends out in their village. They are currently living in a remote mountainous location and working on learning language and culture. We went to spend time with them and hopefully be an encouragement to them. As the helicopter flew away, I looked around and saw nothing but wilderness. We were on a mountain with nothing but sky and tree-filled mountains in sight. I was struck with the isolation of this place and reminded that for many of our “bush missionaries” as we call them, the struggle with loneliness and lack of support systems is huge. So, we spent a lot of time just talking and playing games with them, and we were reminded to pray for them and others. We also got to chat a little bit with the people who lived in the village. I got to help visit a sick woman, watch as the missionaries tested a baby for malaria, and just see a little more about what their life is like. I also got to try (and definitely fail!) at greeting people in their language, and a sweet lady brought me a papaya. Then, after getting stuck in the village for an extra day due to weather, we returned back home with a reminder of why we are doing what we are doing, helping to enable missionaries to stay out in their bush locations. We also were reminded to keep praying for the Kovol people and many others in PNG who have yet to hear about Jesus. When we got home that night, Wyck prayed, “God, please help some of the Kovol people to put their trust in you.” Till all know, Matt, Karissa, Ty, and Wyck |
The helicopter as we took off from Kovol People gathered at the missionaries’ houses to see us off |
Praise God: – For a good trip to Kovol – For a nice break from some responsibilities this summer – We were able to bring Wyck to an eye doctor, and his eyesight actually is not getting worse! – Matt’s first month as personnel director went well Please Pray: – For Karissa as she starts to plan for teaching (English and Bible this year!) – For wisdom for Matt in his ministry role – For unity among our team here at the center – That we can show the love of Jesus to those around us well What are we supporting? This month’s tribal focus: Pray for the Kovol work. Pray for the missionary team, for perseverance and wisdom in language learning. Pray for the Kovol people, that God would be preparing their hearts to accept the gospel. |