In January, we invited for coffee one afternoon, a missionary couple who we would be visiting a few weeks later where they live and minister. As they talked about their work, its “perks” and hard things, too, my friend’s eyes began to just sparkle with love for those she serves. It was quite fun to watch and hear her animated descriptions of these people with whom she and her husband have been working for nearly 25 years. Her eyes seemed to be reflecting the deep love of her heart.
Last week, I had the privilege to spend some days with this dear friend again. One of those days her eyes filled with tears as she received the news that one of the tribal teachers in the area where she is the coordinator had just passed away as a result of drinking. How heavy her heart to realize that this was the third tribal teacher in three months lost to alcohol related circumstances. How the tears flowed, her eyes again reflecting the love in her heart.
A day or so later as we left the Indian area where we had been visiting, she once again bubbled over with joy and affection for these people as she said, “How can I not love them?!”
Please pray for the tribal areas in general in Brazil where many, many indigenous lives are wasted and/or lost because of the addiction to alcohol.
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