My ministry started when I was 14. I have always loved kids, and so I volunteered to teach a Sunday School Class. I soon became the 2 &3 year old’s teacher and taught them for SIX years. I have many wonderful stories about the kids that I taught, and loved being with them every Sunday morning.
The reason that I quit teaching was because I was going to New Tribes Bible Institute. This was the first stage in training to become a Missionary. The school was in Wisconsin. This was my first move away from home and a hard one to make. I do not know if I would have made it without the hand of God on my shoulder giving me strength. My first year was really tough with learning how to get alone with a bunch of girls, after only growing up with two brothers. But God saw that I got through it.
During that summer I took a short term missions trip into Brazil. We went to build a school in a native village. God completely led the way down there, and that is where my heart has stayed. I loved it down there, being with the people, the culture, and hope to return someday.
When I was in Wisconsin, I helped out at the Milwaukee Rescue Center. There I helped to tutor children that lived in the area, or lived at the center. It was really fulfilling to help out the kids. It was also hard to say good bye to the ones that I had gotten to know on a personal level.
Now I am in Missouri. I am at the Mission Training Center working on the last of my training to be a missionary. While I am here, I help out in Young Life. It is teen program for the High School Student where I am at. We meet on Wednesdays together for fun and fellowship. We also try to make it to games, and other actives that the kids participate in. We hope to start up a girls Bible study on Sundays. So if you would pray for that to work out, and for the girls to want to come that would be great.
My over all goal is to be a tribal Missionary in Brazil. All of the things that I am doing here in the states help to prepare me for my over all goal. Thank you for you interest in the things that I am doing. You too are a part for helping me reach that overall goal.
ThAnK yOu FoR eVeRyThInG tHaT yOu ArE dOiNg To HeLp Me On My WaY!