Welcome to our blog! We are Nick and Kathy Borio, and we have two daughters, Naomi and Emmalyn. We got married in 2015, and in the fall of 2017, we moved to Waukesha, WI, to attend Ethnos360 Bible Institute. During our time at Bible school, we learned that over 2,000 languages do not have access to the Bible. These people groups remain unreached, meaning that there are no churches among them, and no work being done to establish a church or translate the Bible. The mission of Ethnos360 is to establish a thriving church for every people group, specifically those who currently remain unreached. When we learned that we could play a role in that work, God led us to join Ethnos360.
We currently serve on staff at the Missionary Training Center in Roach, Missouri. Missionary candidates receive two years of training here in Bible teaching, church planting, culture and language acquisition, and Bible translation methods. Nick serves on the Building, Grounds, and Maintenance team, and Kathy serves as a childcare teacher.
For more updates, find us on Instagram @boriofam, or sign up here for our e-mail updates: https://forms.gle/ba7zhn7XsLv8XV3d7