We want to start this update with a thank you to all of you who read our updates and faithfully pray for us. We have answered prayers to share from the requests we listed last update!
- Kathy’s pregnancy: I have been feeling so much better. I still have constant nausea, but I have been eating and drinking, and I have so much more energy. Baby is doing great and has a strong heartbeat at each appointment.
- ETR Students: We celebrated graduation on campus as we sent out 37 new missionaries to West Africa, Mexico, U.S. Training centers, Brazil, and Papua New Guinea (and other locations!). The remaining students had a successful Simple Living course out in the woods. (This is a 3-week practical skills class. They move into the woods, build shelters, and live “off-grid” with the supplies they carry in. It is a great way to learn how to live in future remote locations.)
Picture 1+2: Living area and bucket shower in a Simple Living House
Picture 3: Graduation

Now, here is a glimpse into our life and ministry this spring:
Kathy: Now that I am less sick, I have been back to work in the Education Resource Center (ERC) on campus. We help missionary families with any educational needs. We recently hosted an MK Summit on campus to discuss the care and education of missionary kids (MKs) with our co-workers from around the world. Some of the topics included helping kids through transition, how to get homeschool materials in hard-to-reach locations, and the teaching needs at our missionary schools (more on this later). I also resumed my educational therapy sessions with the student I meet with.

Nick: In April, Nick worked on repairs to the boat dock that gets used during the Simple Living course. Students start their journey into the woods by crossing our portion of the lake, and then they begin their hike. Once the students reached their location, he helped teach the chainsaw course so they could safely cut down trees to create their houses and furnishings.
Nick is still working on other projects as well, like cutting down cedar trees (sixty down…only five more to go!) Last summer, he and his team built a large retaining wall behind some student housing. Now, he is surveying and preparing for another large retaining wall project. It is near houses and a playground, so it is easier to do in the summer when students are gone.
He is also keeping busy in other ways. He coached a soccer team through a community soccer league. Over 500 kids (ages 4-15) signed up with this league, and we loved getting to know the families and kids that were part of Nick’s team! He is also leading worship at the church we attend nearby.

Naomi and Emmy: The girls are staying active as well. They love when they can get outside and help Nick. Naomi is finishing up her Kindergarten year of homeschool—it has been a joy to be her teacher! The girls also both played soccer with Nick as their coach. It was a very fun season, and by the end, all of the kids (4-6 yrs old) were running the right way, haha!

Prayer Requests
- Continued health in my pregnancy for me and baby
- Nick’s ongoing projects, particularly the retaining wall near student housing
- Wisdom in our family’s schedule, both on campus and in our community and church
- Teachers for our missionary schools in Brazil, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea*
*Certain overseas locations have missionary schools that provide an education, in English, for missionary children living overseas with their parents. I attended a missionary school in Mexico (Colegio Binimea) from 6th-12th grade. It was a huge blessing to my family and to my education. In Mexico, they need a 3rd and 4th grade teacher for this coming year! The schools in Brazil and Papua New Guinea need teachers as well. If you know a current or former teacher who would be interested in living for a year overseas (or more if they want!), please contact me, and I can get you in touch with the right people. Please share this information, as these schools provide a great ministry to our missionary families as they work to reach unreached people groups!
Below is a flyer of information for the most urgent teaching need in Mexico. Let me know if you want me to send it to you so that you can pass it along!