Lately, I have been thinking on Romans 8 and how true it is for our world: “For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now” (Romans 8:22). As we await a coming glory and renewal, we can see the groaning in the world around us. Daily, we hear news of suffering in the world, in our nation, and even in our own families and communities. It is so hard to live in a sinful world and to hurt for those who suffer. I draw such great comfort from the encouragement also found in Romans 8, that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in our prayers, and that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
The burden on my heart is imagining how people face the world and its suffering without the knowledge of God or the hope of salvation. An article from the EBI blog perfectly expresses how I feel: “Imagine life without God’s Word. To be without it is to be without the knowledge and hope of His promises, the revelation of His character, and the truths which root us in Christ.” (read here: The Living Word: Why Translating The Bible Is Essential To Christian Missions – Ethnos360 Bible Institute (
There are people in our world experiencing difficulty and suffering, but they have no encouragement from God’s Word because they don’t have access to it. Writing this is my reminder to press on in ministry and to stay faithful to the roles we play that equip church planters and Bible translators. I pray that it reminds you to share God’s Word with others, to pray for those without it, and to thank God for the hope we do have because of His Word.
The students here at Ethnos360 Training are a month away from graduation, which is an exciting time! The graduates leaving our campus next month could be the ones to bring God’s Word to one of the many languages without it. Some of last year’s graduates have already arrived at their ministry locations, and we look forward to seeing where God takes this next class! That excitement helps with the goodbyes. We have shared life with these students throughout the past two years. We have seen babies born, marriages formed, and friendships made. It is so hard to hug my little toddler students for the last time as their families head out around the globe. But it is so good! Pray for the graduating students as they prepare for many changes in the coming months. And pray for all the staff saying goodbye, again (something we face every year doing ministry here).
On a personal note, pray for our family as we intentionally disciple our daughters in God’s Word and His truth. We are always asking God for wisdom in how we balance our time on campus, at church, and in our community. Naomi has formed some great relationships with girls at her dance class, and it gives me a great opportunity to meet other moms and do life with them. We have also made friends with one of our local librarians, and we are so thankful for opportunities to share God’s love with our community.
Here are some photos of the last few months:

Thank you for your partnership with us in our ministry. Thank you for sharing the burden of bringing God’s Word to those with no hope. Pray for the upcoming graduation here on campus and that we can send out the new missionaries encouraged and prepared! And please—reach out and let us know how we can pray for you!