If you made it through that fantastic paragraph… on to brighter things.
We arrived in Prosser, WA (Tri-Cities area) around 12.30pm (and the Pathfinder is running beautifully, to answer that question for anyone!). We are staying with Noe’s sister Celia, Bill, and Naya’s 2.5-year-old cousin Sophia. Our plan was to move on to Idaho tomorrow and camp for 2 nights. But we really want to soak up 2 days with them, so we opted out of our campsite and will head to Idaho on Thursday and stay in a hotel.
Naya has had a blast today with cousin Sophia. They spent nearly 2 hours splashing about in the kiddie pool. That really is the only reason to be outside- it is around 100 degrees. Ouch! 🙂 Bill and Celia are great hosts, and we enjoyed a nice dinner outside tonight (it had cooled to upper 80’s with a gentle breeze). Those of you who remember I spent a summer in the Zambian bush may or may not recall my marveling at the pure quietness I experienced there… no city noise, no cars, no planes, no noises really of any kind… and I described it as “You can hear the sky.” In the place we are here in eastern WA, I was pleasantly surprised to find that same quietness, after “missing” the experience for the last 6 years. It is so beautiful… Sorry, back to the girls… the girls enjoyed popsicles and running in the grass this evening, and Naya had a fun tumble down a couple stairs… Ok, not so fun, but she didn’t injure herself thankfully!
Well, time to sign off for today. We’d love to know that you were here reading this! 🙂
***Funny note: This morning we stopped for breakfast at McDonald’s on I-90, and one of the girls behind the counter was admiring Naya, when she asked me, “How old is her?!” I could feel my mom cringing, even though she wasn’t there… ha! (By the way, she then gestured toward my pregnant belly and asked “And what are you waiting for?” Oh my….. it was great…)
Lots of love,
Noe, Lisa, Naya, and “Little Two”
Hey Lisa,
Thanks for the update. You, Noe and Naya are in our prayers. I'm so glad the car situation worked out and that you can be on your way- safe and sound.
Take care. Blessings,
What a start to a great adventure. I love hearing about what you are doing and how things are going. As I read the McD's story I also heard Ellyn cring (as I did).I wish you a wonderful trip and fruitful time in Michigan.
I'll check back for more updates.
Hugs to all (esp. Lisa!)
Evie A-A
Hey–great update! You are on your way!
I miss you!!
I think of you each time I drive by a Starbucks –I want to call and ask if I should bring you a drink. I miss you as I slowly put Naya gear away…sniff..and when I drive by Elmgrove St. and when I set the coffee maker to go on for me, not for Noe, and when I have my devotions on the deck , and when I turn the deck fountain on …I am SO thankful you had a good first day of your trip and some rest-up time at Bill's and Celia's! I am not sad that you get to fianlly start on this adventure–I just miss you as only I can!
LOVED the Mickey D story! Keep 'em coming!
Mom, Mom2, Grandma
Oh – that last comment was "from Brian Regan…"
So – When is the Baby Due???
So glad that the car thing turned out well.
Best of luck. I will be praying that you guys stay safe.
Dana Musselman
Ha! I mean, how far along is the pregnancy… Not the trip!
A good start is sooo important on such a long trip!! How far along are you now?
Thanks for the updates Lisa!! Keep them coming and keep cooool!!
Chayo, Marely, Daniel & Josiah
Yes – "I was here" reading your blog today! Good to hear the trip is off to a happy start – Enjoy that cousin time, Naya! And um, it was 98 degrees here today (said our porch thermometer) with expected 101 tomorrow… so we feel your heat! 🙂 Ice, Ice, Ice, you travelers! ~Martha