“Apinun!” is a common greeting in Tok Pisin, the national language of Papua New Guinea.
I got my own greeting tonight just as we set dinner on the table! Noe was calling from PNG, having just landed from their flight out of the tribe!
Noe, soon after arriving in PNG 🙂 |
Noe said they had a very good experience in the tribe, and he is SO very encouraged about this immense task of church planting that lies before us, and that so many of our co-laborers are currently involved in! It is a TON of work, but well worth it. He has been able to get a first-hand glimpse into this now. He will have SO much to share when he returns!
They will be doing quite a bit more traveling in the days ahead, so please continue to uphold them in prayer. We are SO thankful that everything has gone so smoothly!
As for the girls and I… we are enjoying some good R&R, including some time on the Oregon Coast with relatives and friends. Naya is looking forward to a Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB) dance workshop next week, and both Naya and Jocie are doing well with homeschooling – and taking it plenty seriously. 🙂 Naya is especially enjoying (with pride) learning the proper way to write letters. Jocie’s activities are rapidly improving her motor skills and thinking skills. I am a proud mama. 🙂 Oh- and hopefully I’m learning to be more patient and understanding with my girls too. 🙂 Do they respond me to differently with daddy out of town? Oh yes. Ohhhhhhhh yes. But there are many ways that the Lord can remind a person how desperately they need Him- every hour. So, whether we are in the USA or in PNG or (___), we take a step back and …. breathe …
~Lisa, for the family
*I hope you are blessed, and challenged, by the words to this song below, as I continually am.
Answers from previous blog:
- PNG is approximately the size of what state?
- Approximately how many distinct language groups are there in PNG?
- How long does it take the average missionary to learn the national language of PNG?
- What is the time difference between PNG and the Pacific NW/Seattle?
1. California
Chelsea says
Praying! Just added PNG time to my phone… 🙂 Can Noe tell us how tomorrow is?
Autumn Marie says
Thank you for the update! I am picturing you saying this phrase and it makes me laugh. "Do they respond me to differently with daddy out of town? Oh yes. Ohhhhhhhh yes." Praying for grace upon grace!