If you were stranded on a remote tropical island, what 3 things would you want to have with you?
No I am not answering the question. 🙂
But we do have 3 things to update you on, 2 of which we would ask your prayer for!
- The small body of believers here on this island has prayed for many months about teaching through God’s Word again to anyone who would like to come and hear it. It is foundational teaching, meaning the elders begin with Creation and teach all the way through the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ! This paves the way for clear understanding of who God is, the condition of man, and God’s provision for our sin debt through Christ’s death. (In essence, foundational teaching is like planting posts for a house. All the houses here are raised on posts. If the posts are flimsy, the house will not stand strong. But if the posts are dug deep and made well, they will provide for an excellent house. By the way, this method was modeled by Jesus Himself, by the prophets, and by the apostles!) Well, the elders of the church here decided to begin the teaching THIS WEEK! So the believers have been inviting folks all over the island, and today was the first day of teaching! Please pray for the generous handful of people who came to the teaching. Pray that they will continue coming, and that the Lord will open their hearts and minds to hear and understand and receive this free gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ! And pray also for the elders who are teaching, and the believers here to be strengthened in their faith. Lord-willing, there will soon be more believers in the family of God!
- As for our family, we are doing well here in the islands. We are keeping VERY busy with Tok Pisin – both through language sessions with language helpers, and through simply sitting down and talking with people and experiencing cultural events with them. We have just a few short weeks left here. At this point, we are still uncertain what our next step will be. Pray that the Lord will give us clear direction for our next step, as He ALWAYS has so faithfully. Pray for us we consider this church planting work as one possibility, and several other opportunities. Pray that He will give us wisdom about logistics for the next few months.
- …. does it need to be said? …… GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!
Is there teaching every day of the week? This is so exciting! Praying !