After traveling to Australia in May to have our health needs addressed, we returned to PNG and hit the ground running! And we are STILL running! Here’s a recap of some of the many things that have been going on here.
June: After returning from Australia, we got back into the rhythm of life and ministry here in the tribe. Homeschooling (Grades 6 and 4), discipleship for men and women in the church, and translation (Lisa is working on 1 Samuel).
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July: We had the huge privilege of hosting an Interface (ITF) team (a 6-week, college-level course- see link below!) for about a week! It was a joy to come alongside these folks who are interested in missions, introduce them to the Tigak church, and share a bit with them about what our lives are like as missionaries here. Sadly, during this time, Noe and the girls all experienced some sort of illness. Due to some specific symptoms, we believe they may have had Dengue Fever (but we may never know for sure).
Summit Interface: Experience church planting in Papua New Guinea
August: Lisa managed to avoid the illness the rest of the family had, but in early August she developed pretty severe stomach pain. After considering possible appendicitis, it was determined by our mission doctors that something else was going on. After continuing to experience pain and fevers for a month, she flew up to our mission center for some testing. The doctors discovered an ovarian cyst, and prescribed her some anti-inflammatories and time for it to ‘go away.’
September: In addition to Lisa’s trip to the mission clinic, Noe also flew to our mission headquarters in PNG for field-wide leadership meetings. Noe is humbled and thankful for the opportunity to have been asked to be a part of our regional leadership team. We also celebrated Naya turning 12! In late September, our family flew to another region of PNG for regional leadership meetings, which both Noe and Lisa participated in. It was also a JOY to reconnect with fellow missionaries there, and to see the delight in our girls’ hearts as they had just a few days to spend time with their fellow MK (Missionary Kid) friends. It was a HUGE refreshment to their hearts.
October: Early October brought about a big change to our church planting team, as our single coworker, Aimee, returned home permanently. Aimee spent 8 years here, and she has been a huge asset to the church planting and discipleship effort here on this island. With full support from ourselves and the Bealls (our other coworkers who have also gone itinerant), she has concluded that her full-time presence and work in Tigak has come to a close. She will still make visits in the future, and everyone here looks back on her ministry here with appreciation, as they also do for the Beall family.
November: The island is currently VERY busy with preparations for the upcoming tribal church conference in early November! The Tigak church has been working hard on the construction of a new meeting house. Pics to come when it is finished! They are also keeping busy getting ready to host many believers from other tribes. Our family is also keeping busy getting ready for the visit of Lisa’s parents late this month. Steve and Ellyn will enjoy 2 weeks here with us, including celebrating Jocie’s birthday, and then we have the opportunity to enjoy a short holiday with them.
Our family continues to be regularly involved with discipleship and equipping of believers. Noe meets with the men weekly, and Lisa meets with the ladies weekly as well. We’re beyond excited for this privilege and opportunity of coming alongside the believers here and helping to equip them in the Word and in the truths of our faith! Naya and Jocie enjoy spending time with Tigak friends outside in the afternoons, and being involved when ‘Sunday School lessons’ are taught on Sunday mornings. We are also involved in Old Testament Bible translation and curriculum development, revision, and organization.
THANK YOU for being a part of our life and ministry. Your support and contribution is not un-noticed, and our ability to be here full-time is a result of your generosity. So THANK YOU for sacrificially giving, be that of your finances, your prayers, or your time and energy.
I am reminded of Gods calling upon your lifes while at Ecola. I saw the way HE was leading, inspiring, and equipping both of you while you were there. I am so thankful I knew you then, and can see HIM continuing to bless your efforts to faithfully serve HIM.
Linda McCoy
Hi Friends,
I should write more but I want you to know that I enjoy following your life and pray for you every time I think of you!
Best Regards,
Paul Morgan