What does it mean to truly be a servant? What does it take for me to effectively serve others? Those are questions that Ellen and I have been challenged with as we have been going through our Culture and Language Acquisition Practicum and particularly while reading Duane Elmer’s Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility. This book has been an excellent read and I highly recommend it. The content and principles, while they specifically apply to serving in a cross-cultural context, are very much relevant for us as we minister wherever we are. The book takes a great look at real-life examples, both positive and negative, and shows where the principles of servanthood come from in the Scriptures. Here’s one quote of many good ones from the book: “Servanthood is revealed in simple, everyday events. But it’s complex because servanthood is culturally defined– that is, serving must be sensitive to the cultural landscape while remaining true to the Scripture. That is both the challenge and burden of servanthood…” A kind act of humility and kindness in your own family or culture may not be interpreted the same way by a person from a different family or culture. Servanthood requires us to be open with others so they can be open with us.
A great book “but you don’t have to take my word for it!”- from Reading Rainbow
Our Timeline!
Here are our next steps in timeline format. Click image to enlarge.
Here are our next steps in timeline format. Click image to enlarge.
Click here to watch Paul learn Embaloh:)
Click here to watch Ellen learn Embaloh:) We are using the “total physical response” approach. |
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Book Recommendation:
What Have We Been Up To? |