Our drive from MI to CA was daunting to say the least. I myself have never made the complete journey. I remember my dad driving our moving truck out there with a friend back in 1990 and probably in 1995 when we returned to MI after seminary was over. But, golly gee, it’s not very fun to be trapped in the car for that long.
We survived because of people…and Radio Lab podcasts.
Dan & Brenda made us cookie bars. The Pryors fed and housed us while in MO (Jr’s face is blurry in the pic on purpose since he’s their foster son, but he was smiling really big…). The Zietlow’s stored our trailer until we could pick it up in CO. Nan housed and fed us the world’s most delicious omelet in CO. Payton’s parents found us a hotel in AZ. Payton’s dad bought us dinner when we finally made it to Fresno. We still had 2 hours to go, but boy was it nice not to be stuck in the car for a while! What made this trip interesting is that we were suffering from some variation of the revenge of DelTaco for most of the trip, or some other “enjoyable” virus.
We did catch the end of an REI garage sale on our way out of Colorado Springs. It felt like old times again, except that it wasn’t 6am.We spent quite a few days unpacking and narrowing down our possessions again. We’re not trying to be “holy” or something, we just hate dragging stuff around the country. Although I did keep my favorite mug, which I dug out immediately when we arrive. Plus, we’re only allowed to take two totes to Asia Pacific anyway, and Lord-willing there will be a baby in our near future (it could be tomorrow for all we know) and we might need room for car seat while traveling.
Praise God we made it safe and sound. If you prayed for us, thank you!
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