Lately, there seems to be not enough time in the days to try to blog. We just got fiber internet, which will probably help make it possible to upload photos instead of plugging and unplugging the USB drive to reset the internet when it gets overheated. And truthfully, there’s just not enough energy to write anything cohesive. Our brains are mostly a garbled mess of two languages these days. Photos will probably do a better job of showing what we’re up to anyway, so, enjoy!
One word. Weddings.
If you were curious, this is how many people will come if you want internet installed.
Just so happened, the same day the internet was being installed, the guys came to install our first-ever AC. There were about 10 people randomly around the house. It was crazy. People climbing all over our roof, in our attic, drilling holes in the walls, the power being turned on and off repeatedly, and flies and mosquitos buzzing in and out the giant superhighway that was created from all the doors being wide open. But a reprieve from the sweaty, 90F naps was worth it. And not having to finagle with the internet every 15 minutes was also worth having people crawling around the house.
There are some things you never quite get used to, like cheese on a donut. It was a gift because Finn was super polite and chatty with the donut peeps.
I still never get used to people crossing the main road near the big mall with their oxcart and entire herd in tow.
And I still have not found the end of the amount of vegetables that can be sautéed. Yes, that is a giant cucumber. I was thinking, “What in the world am I supposed to do with this?!” (it was a gift). I did what I was told and sautéed it with garlic and onion, but truthfully, I just couldn’t get past hot, soggy cucumber.
And then there’s still semi-normal stuff, like volleyball on Sundays near the airport. Finn plays in the dirt and sand with friends for a while. I get ant or mosquito bites. But, we all get a little fresh air and catch butterflies and grasshoppers, which is good for the soul.
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