The rains have come and the days are overcast and wet. Periodic showers happen throughout the day and the mosquitos are out in force! This particular area that we live in has bad reputation for mosquitos. The fact that we have swamps on both sides of the little ridge we live on might contribute. Whatever the reason we seem to have our extra share. Whenever we happen to mention to Mwinika people in other areas the name of the area we live in, they always ask about the mosquitos which most claim to be the size of small birds! With the rain this mosquito epidemic becomes worse. During the day we have hordes of mosquitos at the windows and at the screen doors just waiting for a chance to sneak in. At night the drone of a vast multitude of mosquitos trying to get in the windows gets so loud that you can hear it even if you are some distance away from the window itself. It seems to be getting worse the more rainy days we get. Last week, as I (Phil) showed some scenery and wildlife videos in the village market, I was under serious mosquito attack! I can’t imagine what it will be like this week.