This last week (Monday the 12th) we had our first teaching session after a break of a few weeks. We had a small group so we did a review lesson of the things we had studied previously.
One of the things we were trying to bring out was God’s honor. When God made us He made us in His image to show forth His character. When Adam and Eve sinned we were left without the ability to show God’s character, instead we began to show Satan’s character. But God was not happy that the people He made in His image were advertising the character of his adversary. It was a matter of honor for him to put things right which He did by sending the Savior.
We used an illustration of some clay pots to try to get this point across. We asked, “What would a woman do if the unfired clay pots she was making to sell at the market were stepped on by one of her kids? Would she take a broken pot, fire it, and try to sell it in the market in its broken state? No! She would not do that because she would be ashamed of the pot, it wouldn’t properly display her skill in making clay pots.” We went on, “Then what would she do with the pot?” The answer was that she would remake it into a pot that she could be proud of.
We pointed out that God wants to do the same with us. In our sinful state we do not possess the ability to show forth His image and demonstrate His character in our actions. God is not satisfied with this state of affairs. He sent His Son to save us and His Holy Spirit to indwell us in order that we might be regenerated and be able to fulfill the purpose for which He made us.
Please pray for us as we try to communicate God’s Word and for the people that come and listen to understand clearly what God has done to restore them.