We have been waiting to send an update out when we had more news regarding the insurance for our truck that recently burned up but we haven’t heard anything lately. No news is good news, I suppose! The paperwork has all been completed and it is in the hands of the insurance company now.
Continue to pray with us that we will receive the full insurance value and for wisdom as we look for a new form of transportation.
Thank you for praying for Phil during his trip to Senegal last month. He had a really great time there connecting with folks and being involved in the various ministry workshops. (The picture above is of him teaching during one of the workshops.)
This month is an important one for Callie. She will be undergoing a series of tests during the week of March 17-21st to see how she is faring in 7th grade as well as to assess what progress she has made in her learning therapy over this past year. She isn’t nervous about the tests and is glad that she will be able to take them in a low-stress environment with her learning therapist whom she is very comfortable with.
Please pray for good results and also for wisdom for Dr. Cawthon as she assesses Callie. It is our hope and prayer (Callie’s included!) that she will be do well enough to get into Rift Valley Academy this upcoming school year.
God has provided a wonderful get-away for Phil and I this month as well. Friends called and asked us to join them on an all-expense paid vacation in the British Virgin Islands for a week!! We are looking forward to this time to enjoy fellowship with great friends and some needed relaxation!
Phil leaves in a few short weeks for another trip to Mozambique to work on translating the book of Ephesians. He will be gone a little less than a month. He is really looking forward to spending time with the believers and working through this incredible and helpful book of the Bible.
Pray for Phil that He will have a safe and productive trip. Continue to pray for the believers in the village that their hunger for learning will continue and that will grow in the knowledge of our Lord!
Also, appreciate your prayers for our partners, Francois and Nadia Hattingh. They just returned to the village after a month-long absence. They had wanted to return in our truck but obviously that didn’t work out!! Instead they fixed up theirs and made the long trek back home. Pray for strength and grace for them as they bear the load of the ministry!
Thank you for upholding us all in your prayers and for your ongoing part in our lives and in the work among with Mwinika people.