Once again, we hit the road for another summer trip. After packing up our belongings and moving out of our little apartment in Sanford, we left a few weeks ago and began the trek westward to my (Elin’s) parent’s place in Idaho. Our journeys took us north to Wisconsin where we spent several days with our home church and friends in that area. From there we went further north to Steinbach, Manitoba, where we connected with friends and family in that area. After that, we travelled westward through Canada out to Banff National Park where we spent a few days as a family. Finally, we drove out to British Columbia to visit with Phil’s aunts and from there, back south into Idaho. It was so great to connect with so many people that we know and love.
Praise the Lord with us for safety in travels and for a wonderful time with our family and friends!
The kids and I are enjoying the Spokane valley and western Idaho these days while Phil flies back to Florida for a series of meetings. Upon his return in a little over a week, we will drive south to visit friends in Salt Lake City then head home to Florida to begin preparations for our return trip to Mozambique.
Speaking of return trips… We were able to purchase our tickets and our official date of departure is July 24th. There is a lot that has to be accomplished before that date!
Praise the Lord with us for the purchase of our tickets and please pray for us as we make preparations to return.
Callie is officially enrolled at RVA and we are getting together the things she will need for school.
Pray with us as we make plans to take her to school the end of August – for the purchase of tickets (all of us are going for “new parent orientation”) and for us all as we prepare for this major change in our lives.
Good news on the truck front. Our claim has been approved. We aren’t sure the amount yet, but are thankful that things are moving along in that department. We are still waiting on the vehicle title paperwork that we had to re-apply for from the government.
Praise the Lord with us that the claim was processed and pray with us that the title paperwork will be granted soon!
Pray with us as we begin the process of looking for a new vehicle. We will be sending out more information about what we are looking for, cost, etc. sometime soon.
We hear good news from back home in Mozambique but also a desperate plea for our return! God is opening doors for another outreach in a village about an hour’s drive away. Already there is a young family who is wanting to go and be part of teaching literacy to this group as a way of beginning the Bible Teaching process.
Pray for the Mwinika believers as they grow in their faith and reach out. Pray for this young couple as they go as the “first missionaries” and begin living in this new village. Pray for our partners as they labor there without us!
For pictures of all of our summer adventures, keep on scrolling down….
We appreciate your prayers and excited to be returning to the field after a long 2 year absence.