Desolation. That was my first thought when I saw the river again for the first time in about six months. On New Year’s Eve, the river flooded. With the river side of the village flooding and the flooded creek making crossing difficult, I didn’t venture to the river side of the village from New Year’s until May.
When I walked along the river again, I felt desolation and a sense of sadness. Many trees along the river had fallen over or died. The ground was uneven and bare. The beautiful river had tree debris stacking up in it. I heard that the village down river from us has only a trickle of water in the riverbed. As I surveyed the desolate scene, I was reminded how fast life can change. I realized again the importance of enjoying where we are and making the most of every opportunity. Right now, the opportunity for work that God has given me is discipleship and Bible translation. I pray every day that God will help me to be diligent in the work He has given me.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going. Ecc 9:10 (NASB)