During the past thirty-plus years we’ve had the opportunity to be involved in various ministries in Paraguay among the Aché and Chamacoco Indians, and in the field’s mission main office.
Our responsibilities have included: tribal language and culture study, Bible teaching, medical work, Indian school teacher, computer technician, tribal station bookkeeper, supply buyer, NTM Paraguay government representative, NTM Paraguay Print Shop, Guest House Hostess, and Field Paper editor.
Randy’s current ministries include:
- e2 CLA Consultant: e2 refers to the stage of continued preparation and training that a missionary undergoes when he arrives on his field of service. CLA refers to Culture/Language Acquisition. Randy works as a consultant in this stage, working with new missionaries to Paraguay, helping them learn to apply language learning principles so they can work effectively cross-culturally in their future ministries.
- Working with and finding Host Churches for en route missionaries.
- Mobilization Department: equipping and helping local Christians and churches learn about missions and how to effectively share the Gospel, disciple, and translate the Word of God in their own culture, cross-culturally, and around the world.
- Encouragement/hospitality ministry to fellow missionaries that come to town for paperwork, medical needs, or short breaks.
Laurie’s current ministries include:
- Administrative Assistant – working with Steve Gutzmer in administrative responsibilities for our field in our main office in Asunción.
- Guest House Hostess — oversight of the mission guest house, its upkeep and scheduling.
- Board Chairman of the school board of a the Asunción Christian Academy, a Christian school where some of our MKs attend. NTM Paraguay is one of three mission boards that own the school.
- Help in our mission Print Shop, where we print scripture portions, literacy materials, teaching helps, and Bible lessons in various tribal languages.
- Encouragement/hospitality ministry to fellow missionaries that come to town for paperwork, medical needs, or short breaks.