Hey peeps! Hope you are doing well. As this is my first blog post, I wanted to take a moment to briefly share what the Lord has been teaching me. We just finished our training with Ethnos360 and graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Intercultural Ministry. Crazy how the last four years have gone by so fast.
I’ve got to be honeset with you, I once prided myself on being a fairly independent and self-sufficient person, however, over the years I have learned one thing – I cannot do this on my own. I constantly find myself overwhelmed with thankfulness by His faithfulness and the kindness found in the Body of Christ.
One short example of this … recently we went to the Creation Museum and the ARK Encounter. Now for some context, Baby Stephen tends to be a super great sleeper. Goes down at night without much of a fuss and most nights sleeps all the way through the night. Well, for this trip that was not the case. While Stephen did really well during the days at the museums, every night at the hotel was like he was … loosing his marbles … riding the struggle buss … basically loosing his ever-love’n mind. Poor baby, I know. But what about poor parents!? hah.
Anyway, every morning when we would be trying to get ready for another full day out, one of our dear church friends would come and knock on our hotel room door. Want me to take him so you guys can finish getting ready? She would ask. So simple, so gentle, so willing, so loving, so much like Christ.
I find it hard to admit when I need help with something. Maybe I am not the only one? I hope that as my family continues into this future of stretching and discomfort that I will choose to continue leaning on the Body of Christ.
I was not made to carry all the weight on my own.
I am not alone.
You are not are alone.
He who called us is faithful and He will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:4
Until next time, bek