We would appreciate your prayers for our family. My (Rex’s) Mom went to the ER April 16 and ended up staying in ICU for 9 days. We thought we were going to lose her. However, she did come out of it a bit and Saturday the 25th she was able to transfer to the Woddside hospice facilty. What a blessing!
She had just finished 3 months of chemo for Multiple Myaloma, through which she had done well. She apparently came down with an infection though that really threw her for a loop. My Dad is reeling too, as you might imagine. They have been married 58 years.
We are not sure what will happen now. Today, Wednesday the 29th, she has slept most of the day. It is a day to day dependence on the Lord. We praise Him for how He has brought our family together at this time. We have talked much about salvation and God’s sustaining grace. What an answer to prayer. We know His timing is perfect and He only does what is good! Hallelujah!!!
Thank you for taking us before the throne of Grace!
Much love in Christ,
Rex and Shirley
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