CHRISTmas is here!
“For unto us a child is born…unto us, a (THE) Son is given…” I love that verse, and song. One of our favorite memories around this time of year is singing that song in choir. What an incredible gift to the world Handel’s Messiah is…especially to those in God’s family. If you need a lift today, have a […]
Thanksgiving Greetings!
How is it possible that we are in Thanksgiving week 2021? We marvel at how quickly the years fly by. This January will mark 29 years since we left Clearwater to attend New Tribes Bible Institute. We were both 39 years old, the kids were 13, 11 and 8 when we ventured off into Lord […]
Lots of Travel Coming Up
How can it be? Almost October? I thought time flew when you were having fun? Has any of the past year been fun? Well, I must admit, I really enjoy all I get to do with Ethnos360…expanding awareness about unreached tribal groups and the training we offer to prepare missionaries to plant churches and translate […]
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