Over the past month we were given the opportunity to spend a couple weeks living in the people group that neighbors Kovol, the Pal (or Mesi, depending who you ask). We went in order to spend time with the missionaries and church there, find out what went well, what could have been done differently, as well as to learn more about the culture and the physical layout of the land, knowing that Kovol would be similar. While there we would also learn a lot about each other, given that we were three families (12 people!) living in one house, sharing meals, and maneuvering around multiple nap/school schedules! Here is a summery, in pictures:
We ladies (and children) began our journey on a friday, two days after our husbands had started their hike into the tribe. This allowed us to fit more food into the helicopter, as well as giving the guys an opportunity to experience the long hike that the people living in the tribe have to do any time they want to come out to town.
One of my favorite things on this trip was attending the midweek Bible study. Believers would meet in various houses to worship and talk about what had been preached on Sunday.
We were blown away not only by the generosity of the people, but the lengths to which they went to show it to us! Deligations came from Kovol bearing food (and children), walking through mud and sometimes rain, over landslides, often for a full day to get to where we were staying.
Nana Herr says
Prayers,prayers and more prayers. But sooo excited. HUGGS to all. YOUR NANA
Al Hester says
Awesome, just plain awesome! It is a joy and privilege to partner with you guys in this wonderful ministry!
Grandpa says
I really enjoyed the pictures and information. Love, Grandpa
LeRoy Gerdlund says
Thank you. No longer are we able to travel, even short distances. My home bound wife doe all her sight seeing through the TV and internet. This display was a God Given surprise. You are Blessed with wisdom and fortitude. Our prayers are for you, family, and all those you are supporting.