If our first six months back in the Philippines have proved nothing else, its how grateful we are for the team that we have to work with here in the Philippines. During this time I’ve had the privilege of visiting each one of our regions and this has included two separate tribal works. A special blessing was having the opportunity to take my wife and daughter with me to Palawan, which was extra special since that’s where our ministry with NTM began in 2003. What a blessing to think there have been four new people groups reached with the gospel since then, and that’s just one part of the Philippines.
The Character of Those We Work With: Whether visiting tribal works to assist in assessing risk, helping new missionaries get started, or for whatever the reason we might be be there, it’s always a blessing to spend time with our co-workers in other parts of the Philippines. Those we visit might be serving in Guest House ministries (such as we once did), it could be spending time with the pilots and their families, or getting to visit the church planters and translators in different areas; wherever it is and whatever the role, we are always impressed with the privilege we have to serve with some of the most faithful people in the world. No, none of us are perfect and we still make mistakes, but the passion that drives our co-workers to see the gospel preached in some of the most challenging areas of the Philippines is what motivates us with a great desire to keep serving Him also.
Pray for Our Team in Northern Luzon: Some might recall that this past October we were once again hit with another huge typhoon. A number of our church planting areas and even our support workers took a direct hit from this typhoon, and while I praise the Lord for the recovering that’s taken place up until now, there is still much work to be done. Praise be to Him for each one that has already assisted to the extent they could.
What has impressed me most however through all of that was how our team came together as scripture says to bear one anothers burdens. While those of us further removed did what we could to help, ultimately it was those in the region itself that kept things moving forward and I’m more than confident that the steadfast love of Christ that these missionaries displayed will one day come to bear on the hearts of those that witnessed it. Definitely it was one more excellent picture of the great team we get to be a part of and we praise the Lord for each one.
Praising God for Each of You Also
Bottom line, we have a great need for one another and we are incredibly grateful for each of you also, those that stand with us from a distance, helping in whatever way can be done, so that we can continue in the work God has called us to. Blessings to each one of you and praise be to Him who sent His son. Christ is worthy of all we give, which can never compare to that which He Himself has given.
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