Our ministry began as active members of the local church. Robert surrendered his life to Christ in 1990 through the ministry of First Baptist Church of San Clemente, CA, now Pacific Coast Church . It was through this church that I first surrendered my life to Christ. It was also there that I was first challenged to serve in missions, specifically when participating in a discipleship program where one lesson asked the question, “What’s Your Role in the Local Church?” We are blessed to have the support of PCC as our sending church and for others that have come alongside us since then.
Cirena moved to California in 1992 where the two of us met and were married on Easter Sunday, 1995 at Pacific Coast Church. She came to know the Lord as her Savior in 1981 while attending the First Baptist Church of Juneau, AK. Not long later, she and her first husband moved to the Philippines where they planted Hilltop Baptist Church on her home island of Cebu. Widowed in 1989, Cirena remained an active part of this vital church plant that served the community for 20 years before merging with another local church in the area.
Training & Preparation?
In addition to strong biblical foundations taught through PCC, Robert also graduated from Biola University with a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership (BOLD program) in 2001. In keeping with BIOLA’s Mission Statement, “My one desire was to be equipped in mind and character for the purpose of impacting the world for Jesus Christ.”
Our service with NTM began in 2002 as Missionary Associates to the PHILIPPINES on the island of Palawan. Our return to the states was for the purpose of attending NTM’s Missionary Training Center in Missouri. In 2008 following intensive missions training, we graduated with a Bachelor in Intercultural Ministries. During that time we were grateful to find fellowship and partnership with Linn Creek Baptist Church.
Where Else Have We Been?

Following our return from the Philippines in 2005 we relocated temporarily to Albuquerque, NM. There we connected with Hoffmantown Church where we’ve made many lifelong friends. We are truly blessed with the partnership this church has since provided.
In 2006 we relocated to Robert’s childhood home of Six Nations, Ontario, Canada for a period of time. There we served in ministry and fellowship with Ohsweken Baptist Church. This small local church has proven to be great partners in the ministry God has called us to.
During our 2015 home-assignment in Albuquerque, NM, in addition to reconnecting with friends at Hoffmantown, we are grateful to have found partnership also with Cross Christian Fellowship, Rt. 66 .
“For this reason, …we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” (Col 1:9 NIV)