As we boarded the Cessna 206 and headed interior to the Siawi Tribe the range of emotions that we experienced are nearly indescribable. While in the air we had 75 minutes to process the years of time, investment, heartache, blood, sweat, tears, and victories that have taken place there. It was SO humbling to witness the growth of the church both numerically and in maturity. The Lord has been beyond good in allowing us and YOU to play a significant part in seeing this church established! As you have given to our support you have invested in something that precious few have invested in, an unreached people group hearing the name of Christ for the first time!! You know, the stock market can come and go but nothing can ever snatch away the souls of these tribal people who, now, eternally belong to God! Good investment, guys!! You were wise. Good job!
The Siawi Church now has 4 elders, 3 deacons and 3 missionaries that they are sending deeper into the jungle to tell others of Christ. The Bible translation will be completed in December 2012. All the missionaries are moved out of the tribe with the exception of Linda Krieg who will stay these last few months to finish the translation.
Carrie and I also spent a week in a coastal town where I was the speaker for the annual missionary gathering. I spoke 6 times hoping to teach, challenge and inspire the front line jungle missionaries. Again, I wish you could have been there. These men and women are our heroes! They came out of the jungle (in some cases) bruised and battered physically and spiritually but fully determined to “stay the course”. These individuals are truly committed to the cause of Christ.
This Memorial Day we remembered the sacrifice of our veterans as we all appreciate the cause they fought for and the utlimate sacrifice they gave for us. During this day I also personally thanked the Lord for the veterans of the church. They, too have given even to the point of death for the cause of Christ. We have heroes all around us don’t we?
Please pray for Carrie and I as we train new missionary candidates on a daily basis at New Tribes Bible Institute.
Please pray for our continued financial support. We have been with NTM for nearly 30 years and many of our supporters have gone to be with the Lord. It is necessary for us to replace this support. As we train missionary candidates the Siawi story will be replicated many times over in our student’s lives.
Serving together with you,
Ron and Carrie Lindsey