Ron Carrie Lindsey have served at New Tribes Bible Institute since 2002. Ron is the President of the school . Carrie served many years in the deans department and now serves as an administrative assistant.
Ron and Carrie worked in Papua New Guinea for eighteen years, nine years as boarding home parents, and nine years as church planters with a remote tribal group. After learning a previously unwritten langauge the Lindseys were part of a missionary team that presented the Gopsel to the tribal people. The New Testament translation is currently 70% completed. The church is maturing. Seven Bible tribal teachers are teaching their own, and, seven additional evangelists are teaching in a neighboring (different) tribal group.
Ron is a member of the New Tribes Mission Executive Board. This board is responsible for the general oversight of NTM USA and all USA personnel serving abroad.
Ron and Carrie have two grown sons. Both are in ministry. Matthew in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Caleb is enroute to Prague, Czech Republic.