A week ago today April & I woke up to experience the painful reality that we ultimately were not in control of the little life the Lord gave us living inside of April. After 10 ½ weeks of pregnancy we miscarried our child. Crying & grieving, we held each other tightly, and together before the Lord we thanked him for the time he did give us with our little one. We then asked for His strength to get us through. This week has been filled with a lot of tears, love from many, a lot of prayer, and the sound of April singing worship songs to the Lord. Praising Him she sings, “He gives and takes away, my heart will choose to say, blessed be Your name!” She understands just how big her God really is and she chooses to rest in His arms during the good and bad times.
We didn’t desire to hide this experience from any of you, but when grieving it is often hard simply to bring it up. Forgive us for not sharing sooner. The story is not over yet. Our Dr. has been concerned that we did not completely pass all of the child during the miscarriage so yesterday he ordered a rush ultrasound to see what procedures needed to take place to make sure all was well. Again we thanked God for the life he gave us and together acknowledged that He is the giver of life.
Lying on the table in the cold hospital room we held hands tightly and cried a little more. As the tech moved the camera around April’s stomach, we saw the form of the baby lying there. Then, in an instant both of our hearts skipped a few beats and we lost our breath. The baby was moving. The baby was alive and well. Come to find out we were pregnant with twins! We did lose one child and that grief is still very real. But Lord’s mercy is great. He has given us life.
As I am sure many of you have experienced, during hard times, don’t we all sometimes have a tendency to feel abandoned by God. For us this week though, we have chosen not to and have reversely chosen to cling tightly to Him. This has been one of the best thing we could ever do. Isn’t our God incredible?
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