A few of you may have read the blog we posted a little more then two months ago. The Blog was in regards to Cathren’s 91 year old grandmother who had taken a nasty fall in her home and was badly injured. For those of you that prayed for us we thank you. Cathren’s grandmother is recovering well beyond what anyone would have expected. So this is a praise and I wanted to share it with everyone since we had put her on here as a request. However, She is returning home on Saturday June the 2nd. This is a prayer request in many ways because she has been in an assisted living home for over two months where she has received, well…… assistance, in many ways. She will basically be living very dangerously in our opinion. We are especially praying for our family members who will be looking out for her on a daily basis. This will be a stressful time for them and will need the strength of the Spirit to be able to have wisdom grace and love in the situation. We are praying that God uses this to reveal himself in real ways and grow those involved.
In case you did not read our last newsletter, we have been officially invited to join The NTM team in West Africa. This means our first big move (once support is raised) will be to the city of Dakar in Senegal. In Dakar we will receive 5 months of french training. French is the national or trade language that is most used in the western country’s of Africa that NTM works in. We praise God that he already has a plan for us. Its actually neat to think about when praying for His leading. He already knows what country we will go into once french study is over. However we feel an urgency still to pray about our response to His leading. Pray that we will continue to walk in the spirit and that we will have clarity and unity together as a family when the pieces of the puzzle unfold.
Similar to the prior request, pray that I we will be wise with our time as we prepare for the many speaking engagements we have lined up for the summer. We need to be active in preparation and we also need to be humble in our representation as well. Pray also that the Spirit will cause us to genuinely love the people we will encounter over the summer and that we treat them like literal brothers and sister. These are all things that are un natural for us and if you could lift us up in prayer so that we will super naturally live out the plans that God has for us, we would appreciate it. Thanks for reading.