It was the last day of camp and I had divided up my Bible class with my Sister Elise. Elise took all the girls and I took all the boys. They needed a change of environment and more importantly they had a lot of deep questions that needed to be addressed. So there we were in the woods discussing the end days and Satan who is the king of lies and deception. That’s when I got hit in the face with a decent sized rock! One of the boys about three yards away had thrown it.
The first question a lot of people might ask is “why did he throw it?” No one knows the answer to that but he said he didn’t think it would hit me. The second choice question could be “what did you do back?” What i did isn’t very important but they did get him to the nurses trailer just in time to revive him. Okay honestly, nothing bad happened to the lad. But to give God the glory in the situation I want to paste Ephesians 6:10-12. So here it is. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
So were there spiritual forces involved with that rock hitting me? I don’t know. Maybe. I’m not going to spend much time entertaining the idea and I don’t expect you to either. However, reading this passage does make me think about how we don’t have a high sense of reality when it comes to spiritual forces and more specifically spiritual struggles. Should we? It may answer a lot of questions and give us some clarity on certain things.
Cathren and I will someday Lord willing go to a place where spiritual forces are as much a part of everyday life as it is for Christians to pray before a meal. Its a popular view to believe that tribal people in remote settings are “living the life” or “one with mother nature”. It would be a mistake to enter their culture and give them the gospel because it would taint the pure organic lifestyle they live. If you feel that way, watch this .
We live in a world that is not our home. Basically we are in Satan’s territory. as believers we have been promised the ability to withstand the whiles of the devil and all that that entails. It only requires us to rest in him and stay. Apart from the Lord though, is a world of darkness that has the ability to put on the appearance of light.
I will admit, it’s a little nerve wracking thinking about raising a little girl in such a dark deceiving world. The thought of it drives me even more to let go of my own strengths and abilities and be strong in the Lord alone and put on the full armor.
If reaching out to the nations that are still in darkness and don’t have Gods word is something you have thought about and you have questions, or if you are wondering how you can be involved yourself, hit me up on facebook or shoot me an email. Otherwise enjoy these pictures of Iesley!