I have been running a lot lately in preparation for a half marathon that I decided to do with a few guys from church. We started in January nine miles a week, but the past couple weekends we got some twelve mile runs under our belt. Running twelve miles is something that takes time and obviously some endurance. Whenever we start a run we are filled with energy and excitement like the sky is the limit! Each time, we would be be so tired and exhausted and see that last bend in the road, by chance, all the twelve mile runs we have done, ended on corners or a bend in the road. We would all comment with excitement, “The end is just around the corner!” Well, that corner would suddenly turn into a 10 minute corner. We would all begin to comment on the ridiculous length of this corner or bend. “Why is this taking so Long”, “I’m going to die”, “this corner just keeps going”, “Is this ever going to end”, I can’t feel my legs anymore”. Mentally we would have to commit our bodies to push just a little further to complete the goal despite everything in us saying “stop! you have gone far enough.”
Now Cathren, myself and all of our supporters are in that final corner of this partnership raising race. We began over two years ago with energy and excitement there have been uphills and downhills; times where we had side cramps so bad we wanted to stop; times when it felt like there wasn’t going to be anyone on the side of the road to hand us a cup of water. We are in that last corner but we feel like we have been there for months. We are asking the same questions and making the same comments pertaining to if we are going to make it and why is this last part taking so long.
The young nation of Israel asked the same questions in the wilderness when there was no food or water. Of course God faithfully provided and he has continued to do the same for us. It’s when we are at the end of ourselves that we often respond the best to what God wants to show us.
Our departure date for Senegal West Africa is around August 18th. We will only know the exact date when we order tickets. However we cannot order tickets until we are at 75% support. We are currently at 67% of our committed monthly support. That is 400 more US dollars! That could be broken down to 8 more people giving $50 a month.
We are spending a lot of time these days researching the logistics and the preparations for the big move. We have scheduled
We need so much prayer right now. I don’t even know where to start. I just know we are too weak to face these transitions on our own. This past month God has used so many people to refresh us and give us that extra boost to push through this last uphill bend in the road. The Body of Christ is an amazing thing and He is just simply good! I have even prayed specifically for affirmation that this journey of being sent to Africa is what we should be doing and He has given me clear answers within 20 mins of praying!
Hebrews 12:1 says “let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Lord willing we are only at the beginning of that race, so it doesn’t end when we get to Senegal. We ask that you run this race with us. Right alongside us as brothers and sisters in Christ should. It’s more fun that way and it just works better!