Greetings in our Saviors name,
We wanted to update you with a few short prayers points, please write back if they need any further explanation. We have an induction date! Annika will go into hospital on the 4th and the baby Karis will be induced and delivered on the 5th August in Glasgow.
See below for praise and prayer points
Praise God –
1) Our car is not doing well – but a Christian car dealer is helping us purchase one and will buy it off us again when we don’t need it. It will be great to have a reliable car, big enough to meet our needs.
2) We are having many opportunities to share our faith with both believers and unbelievers because of this trial.
3) We are experiencing the peace of God in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty.
4) Praise God Simon’s mom is able to come for two weeks to help out during the birth etc.
Please pray for –
1) Accommodation – once the baby is delivered, we can apply for a room with a charity, within the hospital. This room would be free if we get it and would be so nice as we live an hour and a half drive away from the hospital. This would keep our family together more and help us meet the needs of Nya and Noah better. Pray we get a family room.
2) Pray for a safe operation for baby Karis. The op will happen within the first two weeks after the birth and will be a 12hr operation.
3) Pray for a fast and full recovery, baby Karis will be in critical care after the operation and could be in recovery for six weeks at the Glasgow hospital before being discharged.
4) Please pray Annikas mom – Julie, that she will be able to get over from America to stay for four weeks to help with Nya and Noah – there are many details to work out with this.
5) Please pray that there will be no other genetic complications for our little girl and that she will be healthy apart from her heart condition.
6) Please pray we strike a good balance in spending time with Nya and Noah as well as our new baby.
Isaiah 26:3-4 NLT You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! [4] Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
Because of our Savior, Simon, Annika, Nya and Noah