I’m feeling impatient. I was just browsing (in other words snooping) around some old friends blogs. Now the reason this is making me feel impatient is because all of these friends are from bible school. All of their blogs reflect their ministy with New Tribes Mission and the exciting things that come along with a life speant in overseas missions. I am really eager to get back to the NTM training, I miss so much about it… I miss the atmosphere, the passion, the urgency.
I know that Stephen and I are here in CO for a reason (save up money for Bible school), but sometimes (like now) I feel like I’m just killing time. So many of the people that I went to school with are doing things, mission things. They’re going, I’m staying. I know that Paul learned to “be content in every situation” and that’s what I should do too, be content that is. But I’m not. I guess I haven’t learned Paul’s lesson. However, even he had to learn it, so I guess there’s hope for me. Maybe that’s why I’m here, huh. Waiting. I know there are things, many things, that I have left to learn before I’m ready to go. And I’m sure there are things that I don’t see that God is teaching me on. So please pray for me, and for Stephen, as we w a i t . . .
that’s understandable.. and i do think that is really cool that you guys are going toward that goal, don’t know if i’ve ever told you that before. i just wanted to point out that you didn’t have to feel useless while you are here.. cause you’re not.
Lisa, you have a good point, in fact that’s the point I used during my two years of Bible school to tell people why I wasn’t going to the “jungle.” It’s not that we aren’t doing any ministry here, it’s that now that we’ve decided to “go” that’s where my heart is…with unreached people groups…that’s what makes me exicted and what makes me cry…that’s all.
you can do mission things while you’re “waiting” too.. there’s people on this side of the world who are going to hell just as fast as people in a jungle somewhere. i know i for one am guilty more often than not about that.