Never fear, Superman is here! Or at least you’d think he is the way people are talking lately. I suppose that’s what happens when an addition to a team is so long in coming.
I’ll set up the timeline for you:
- Spring, 2012 – While seeking a student to help work on the website, Rex, the school president stumbles across Stephen, mild-mannered web developer in training to be a missionary. In no time, the communications department hears Stephen may be willing to accept a role at the home office maintaining websites. Stephen begins working remotely, part-time, doing small odd-jobs on the websites.
- Summer, 2012 – Stephen and Rachel visit the home office and decide to accept the job, which will begin after training.
- Summer, 2013 – Stephen and Rachel graduate from NTBI
- Summer, 2014 – Stephen and Rachel graduate from the missionary training center
- Summer, 2015 – Stephen leaves his job to finish developing ministry partners full time
- February, 2016 – After surpassing 65% of their recommended support level, Stephen and Rachel finally get to move on to their field of service: Sanford Florida
- Leap day (Feb 29), 2016 – Stephen begins his first day in the office
Since then, hardly a day goes by that someone doesn’t say “We’re so glad you’re finally here” with a mixture of gratitude and relief. Why? Because I’m the only web-developer-type-guy on the team right now, and they’ve been waiting for almost four years for me to come and take on all the tasks that they have been “filling in” on. For four years or more! For example, Regina, the video editor, has spent huge chunks of her time maintaining one of our websites because she was the quickest learner on the new program they were using.
So this sounds a lot like I’m tooting my own horn, but here’s the point. For all of you who prayed for us, advocated for us, and support us: Thank You from the communications team here at the home office. You are allowing me to free up these talented, creative people to do what God has gifted them in (designing, writing, editing, creating), while I take care of what God has gifted me in (web programming and various geeky things). You have helped me fill a huge gap in an important department. And We’re all very thankful for You!