A day in the life of the mommy.
I feel like I do a zillion different little things all day, but I’ll simplify so you can get the general gist.
I’m supposed to get up and run or walk first thing in the morning. I say “supposed to” because often I choose to sleep longer instead. While I’m running (or sleeping) Stephen spends some time in the Word and prayer. The kids get up around 7:30 and Stephen makes breakfast (I know, he’s amazing!). After breakfast Stephen begins his long commute (across the street) to the Communications Building to begin his work day.
Our mornings are pretty low key right now. The kids usually watch PBS while I get ready, then they play or draw (markers and printer paper are HUGE in our house right now) for a while. This month there are three little girls staying with our neighbors so the kids have had SO much fun spending hours playing with them. Some mornings we head to the library, run an errand or go to the zoo, but if we stay home they usually play outside (ride bikes and do sidewalk chalk) until lunch. I have LOVED having the girls here because they keep my kids occupied so I can work on stuff.
In addition to the normal household stuff (cooking, cleaning, laundry) that has to happen everyday around here, I’ve been working on getting our family photo books caught up. I enjoy making an album for each year and just finished 2014 (wahoo!). It’s extremely time consuming, but very important to me to have our memories in books for us to look at.
After lunch and books, Sullivan takes a 2-3 hour nap and Asa, Naomi and I do a little school and read together before they do their rest time. While they play “quietly” in their rooms I have some peace and quiet (for the most part) to spend in the Word, reading, watching Fixer Upper or working on a project. My next major project is to get organized for when I start homeschooling Kindergarten for Asa and Naomi. This break in the afternoon is also when I do things like answering emails, googling health concerns, meal planning and making phone calls. I am never, ever bored.
After nap time we often go play at the park or walk by the lake. There is always more bike riding in the parking lot and more fun with the girls next door (while I fold laundry or some other exciting thing). If I can manage to let them play while I cook dinner, I will, but otherwise they watch a DVD.
At 5ish, Stephen comes home, we eat, play, clean up (dishes, toys, bikes), take baths, read stories, sing songs, pray for the next family on the wall, get everyone ready for bed. When the house is finally cleanish and quiet, Stephen and I collapse on the couch for some ice cream and Netflix. Or we work on projects, like writing this really long post. And then, the next day, I do it again!
At this pace our days are flying by and I beg my children to grow slower. If you’re a parent, you can feel the intensity of life with littles, if you aren’t you might not see how much work it is. And it is, oh-so-much work. While Stephen is serving in the communications department, I know that my calling is here, in our home, with our precious, amazing, infuriating children. It’s cliche, but the work is worth not missing the sweet moments: the hugs and kisses, the hours spent reading together and being there for all of their firsts.
All that, plus kissing owies, saying “no” a lot, and so much teaching and training, is essentially what I do all day. So when did you say you’d like to babysit?