Thank you so much for praying! Since our last letter, it’s been like being on one of those extreme sports obstacle courses. We didn’t give you the blow by blow because, for one thing, there was no time to be sitting down and writing… and we didn’t want to pepper you with detail.
A younger missionary couple may have tweeted you through it, but we haven’t gotten into that.
After surviving one anxiety-producing deal-killer deadline, you barely have time to catch your breath before there’s another “incoming” on the radar.
One example: On Friday morning, the closing date of the sale of our El Paso home, the buyer was $300 and change short. What to do? He had to run out and sell something to come up with the cash to satisfy his mortgage company! That was Friday and that closing deadline was missed. Then he failed to sign for the change of the closing date. He let the contract expire!
That’s when we found out that some dead things are “not totally dead,” as long as everyone is willing to move forward.
Somehow, they got everything put together to the lender’s and the title company’s satisfaction on Monday and we closed in the early afternoon. What a relief!
Meanwhile, in the Austin area, we’re buying a house that needs some work. We’ve had to sweat out some negotiations and deadlines there, too. To be fair, though, the seller has been pretty reasonable, considering that it’s a seller’s market and people are lining up to buy homes.
The Lord willing, we’ll pick up the 26′ U-Haul (the BIG one in the pic above) with a car carrier trailer today, load it tomorrow and leave for Austin on Friday.
Eida has been a packing machine, working into the wee hours. My specialty is creating custom boxes for the awkwardly shaped items. It looks like we’re pretty much on schedule.
The Lord has been really good to us — providing us with places to stay while we close the deal on the Leander house, supplying gifts from loving brothers and sisters to help with expenses, and lifting our spirits through your notes of encouragement.
Before we say goodbye, may we ask that you pray for Marlene, Art’s wife? She’s had a recurrence of pain and loss of strength in her right hand which has been diagnosed as nerve impingement that will require another surgery soon and she’s just come down with strep throat.
Thank you for sharing your prayer requests with us, too, so we can intercede for one another. Isn’t it a comfort to know that our lives are in His hands?
Serving Him together,
Steve & Eida Irwin
Spanish Language Resources
Voice & Text: 408-515-1721
Mail: 1732 Night Hawk Dr., El Paso TX 79912
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