So, I’ve spent a lot of time recently thinking about my personality type and what that means I need to be able to function well. I’m an introvert, I need alone time. I’m an ISF(or T)J and organizational structure, continuity and security are all valued. I’m Gold, so I like set routines and organized ways of doing things. I need to know what is expected of me and I always want to know if I’m on the right track. On another slide it says I need stability, organization, appreciation, and time.
As you might guess, some of those things aren’t found in abundance on the mission field. Flexibility, adaptability and spontaneity may be more handy here.

But in the Bible Study I’m doing on Acts, it suggests that you can ask the Lord to control every part of your personality through His Spirit. So, I wonder at what point I will stop leaning into the needs and weaknesses of my personality type? When will I, instead, lean into the Holy Spirit to give me grace and peace in all circumstances, even those that don’t meet the needs of my personality? One of the girls taking this Orange, Green, Blue, Gold personality test that we use here made the point, as we mature in Christ don’t you think we’ll become an even balance of all four?
So, pray with me that the Lord would control every part of my personality through the power of His Spirit, so that I might have grace and peace to function well in times when I lack control, when there is no stability, when there’s no one to affirm that I’m on the right track, when there’s no continuity, and I need to be flexible.