Besides family and friends the best things about being in the States were:
1. Christian radio and new music
2. The Apple Store and their ability to fix the problems I’ve been having with my computer for the past 11 months by sending it away for all of 3 days.
3. The Cozy Cottage, of course. (small town diner where I go for breakfast)
4. Swimming at the Y
5. My couch and fireplace and carpet (softness on my feet!)
6. My dishwasher
7. Risotto, salmon, bacon, authentic Mexican food and sushi
8. Worship and Mission Nights at Warsaw Community Church
9. Y Basketball and being around for new life events
10. General accessibility- you need a part for your computer? You can actually drive to a store and buy it!
But if you really want to see the best things about being in the States . . .
Thoughts from the plane. . . What a whirlwind this time home has been. Most days I was out visiting with people for a walk on the track at the Y, swimming in the pool, or sharing breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. It was all so good, and my heart is full. At first, I was just a jumble of words, so I apologize to anyone I only saw in those first weeks. You were part of helping me process through, and the Lord was faithful to provide me with clear thoughts by the time I needed to speak at church.
I realized with renewed clarity why I believe missionary care is important and why the church’s role in that care is vital. My role is to help churches and missionaries connect, so that the church can invest in their physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. I was renewed with excitement about the way God can and wants to use the experiences and skills He’s given us to further His kingdom (*Pray for more laborers to fill the gaps we have here in PNG) But over everything else I’ve learned this year I have seen that the Lord God is trustworthy to lead us step by step into the purposes He has for us and to provide for us abundantly in those steps. He is faithful
Thank you to every one of you I was able to share this journey with while home. Thank you for listening and for your prayers. You are such a a blessing to me.
In going through my prayer requests for the past year and a half I was able to highlight so many that had been answered and share that with my pit crew, so we could rejoice together. Some of the most noticeable were: the blessing of a house this past year that felt like home where I could host families and groups and get to know people. I also found so many activities that I enjoyed getting involved in– hockey, running club, two Bible Studies, a group exercise class, a group of ladies that prays together for our tribal works, and even teaching jump rope at the elementary school. God has connected me with and given me such a love for the missionaries I work with here. He’s given clear direction on what to focus on next and as I go back, I’m relying on Him to do that again.