Holy Words
How many of you enjoy sitting down and reading a dictionary? Dictionaries aren’t usually considered especially exciting reading material. But while I was traveling recently, the guys I often work with had worked a bit without me, and one of the things they had done was go through a list of potential new words for […]
Building a lighthouse
A few weeks ago I was reading a biography of Mary Slessor, a pioneer missionary in what is now Nigeria, and came upon the following quotation: So, she realized, it was not a case where one could say, “Let there be light,” and light would shine. The work of the Mission was like building a […]
There are some things I’ll never understand here…
My next-door neighbor is a nice guy and a very nice neighbor. We don’t have problems and he’s always very courteous. Shortly after he moved in he introduced me to his girlfriend, and after a while I noticed that she seemed to be growing bigger in the mid-section. (Here, sadly, that’s not uncommon before marriage.) […]