Two weeks ago (or maybe three, now that it’s taken a long time to post this because of bad internet), I posted about an important thing that happened a year ago that day, and how long ago that seemed. That was the coup d’etat.
Today I want to post about something exciting that happened a year ago this week. It was our first contact with Our People since our PGA trip in 2013! We had been wanting to connect with them and get to know them, but didn’t know how and didn’t know anyone from this people group. Then a neighbor, who was a Burkinabe missionary, told us that he had gone to get some photocopies made nearby and heard someone speaking the language of this people group! He explained where the photocopy place was, and so Jen and I went, not quite sure what we were doing. The lady there said that yes, she was from that people group, but she didn’t speak the language. But she pointed us to another courtyard that was full of people from that people group. Awkwardly, we went in and said hi.
They connected us to their nephew in one of the villages of that people group, and he’s one of the main ones who has taken us around to so many villages, introduced us to so many of his friends and relatives, and been an enormous blessing in our life.
Often during this year it has seemed like our contact with the people group is going slowly and we’ve had many setbacks. However, to look back and see what has been done in one year, and how where we’re at today is so different than where we were at a year ago, all we can do is praise God and thank Him for working mightily in His time.