Thanks for your continued prayers for Rachida, and sorry that I haven’t posted an update in a long time. With them being in another country it’s kind of hard to figure out what the new news really is. But today I have an update, so I’d like to share it with you so that you can be praying.
We talked a week ago Sunday, and Rachida’s grandma Kadi said that the treatment there is going very well and that Rachida can see again. If it’s true, it’s very good news and a huge answer to prayer! However, part of me wonders if it’s true or if she’s just saying what she wants to believe. Anyway, she said that with this new treatment that they’re following, they were supposed to do the treatment 4 times. However, since it is having such good results after only 2 times, they’re going to do a 3rd and final treatment this Thursday (Feb 9), and then they’ll come home and be done. Again, if there is such healing, praise the Lord! But there’s part of me that wonders if it’s true, and even if she can see, if they’ve gotten rid of all the cancer or if it will come back. Maybe I’m just being pessimistic, but I look forward to seeing them when they get back and seeing for myself how little Rachida is doing. Hopefully I’ll have another update (with a picture?) soon!
I’m hoping this news is true…and I suppose like anything medical, there are no absolutes. Thanks for the update.