On July 1st I posted about planting corn with my host mom, and also asking for prayer about whether or not I could actually plant a peanut field this year like I was hoping to do. In the post, I said that I’d have to plant it soon and didn’t know if I’d have time. Well, I have since found out that it’s a different story. I still haven’t planted it, but I think that I still have time! I’m planning on going out this next week and planting it. One of our directors and his wife came two weeks ago, and in those last two weeks we’ve been busy with meetings with them and other related things. But shortly after they came, my host dad said that my peanut field was now finally ready to plant and that I should come out and plant it. How can I go plant a field when I have to be in the city for meetings? I asked my host mom on our next day trip out there with our director, and she said that I didn’t need to hurry to plant it, and that even this upcoming week would be fine. So yesterday our director and his wife left, and next week we’re planning on going to plant our peanut fields (Jen and I). How in the world will they grow and ripen before the rains stop? I have no idea. Will they ripen while I’m in Israel? I’m not sure. But what I think I know is that it’s not too late, I can plant it, and can worry (or not worry) about the rest later. Thanks for your prayers!
by Susie