What have I been up to since I last wrote? Here are a few of the highlights:
— Earlier this month I got to go to a wedding of My People where they had their traditional dancing. It often takes place in the middle of the night, with a bit in afternoons, in the village. Here, too, it was in the middle of the night, but I got to watch the afternoon session! And as I was there, I realized that it was the first time in over 5 years that I got to see their dancing. I felt loved by God, letting me see it again, even if I was too shy to join in this time. (See the picture above.)
— We’ve been continuing to work on figuring out how My Language works. We now have a book of pronouns and demonstratives, such as me, her, hers, a certain, him, another, this, etc. In my quick count, there are well over 450 of them in the book! Have I said before that this is a complicated language? God sure was creative when He created it!
— The group of My People and I, with the help of others, have found or created words that we’ll need for literacy. For example, how do you say consonant, vowel, period, or comma in a language that has never been written down before? We had many suggestions and went back and forth quite a bit, but at the moment we’re thinking: female writing grain, male writing grain, grain of millet, and a stopping scar. There actually were quite strong opinions over whether consonants or vowels were male or female, but ultimately the older gentleman who came to help us out had the strongest opinion, loudest voice, and most respect, so we now know – consonants are girls and vowels are boys.
— We are making an app in My Language that teaches people how to read certain words through games. When Adama* played it the first time, he was thrilled – “Now THIS is an app.” “Now THIS is a game.” Lord willing soon it will be updated and released more widely, in order to introduce My People to the world of reading and writing their own language.
There are exciting things coming up, too, but Iʼll leave those for another post. Thanks for your prayers!
* Name changed for security reasons