We did it! We visited all 17 of the main villages of our people group. We’ve also visited some smaller villages of our people group and another village that belongs to another ethnic group smack dab in the middle of the territory of our people group. Now we’re at the point of deciding which one to move into – or, rather, of figuring out which one God has already picked out for us. And to help us in that, we have part of our NTM leadership team out here in My Country with us this week! Last night Jen and I met, and we narrowed the list down to four potential villages:
. Dandelion* (you heard about that one in a previous e-mail)
. Bridge*
. Goofy*
. Sight*
(I hope you don’t mind the silly names I made up. It’s more fun that way, and also better for security.)
Today the leadership guys are planning on accompanying us to visit as many of these as we can, and then the next day or two they’re willing to sit down and help us think through next steps and a whole bazillion other questions we have for them.
You can pray that we’ll keep seeking God’s will in this, and that He’ll make clear the village He has picked out for us as well as the next steps in His timing.
Thanks for being a key part in this important part of the history of our people group and the kingdom of God!
* Not their real names